Clock is ticking

The title is not related to the article. It is just what I heard Rebeca saying in This is us while I was running this evening. Since I had happened to learn that in a lesson from Open Language days before , I decided make it the title of today’s diary as a review. That’s  all.
It’s stupid that I ate so full for supper that I haven’t finally finished 10K running tonight. It ended up with 8.5K.  Certainly,here is not a very good place for runners, even if the Jialing River flows through the county. The riverside road is not well designed and constructed. 
But there’s a good thing about this place. Most people are free of musk now. It seems almost a new thing for me, after so many day’s pandemic. It’s good to see people free from scaring and be free to breathe. I wish the day when the last Covid in the world disappears would come soon.
I am in Yilong county, Nanchong City. This is my first time here. Good night.




